bigscone amarancio (bigscone sourcherry and orange)



Recipe for a 1 kg bigscone

1 sponge cake (see recipe) flavoured with PastaFrutta Orange
400 gr DolceFrutta Sourcherry
600g chantilly cream
candy sugar for garnishing


Cut the sponge cake in fillets. Cover a stencil for Bigscone, then fill it with 450g of Chantilly cream and sourcherry DolceFrutta in alternate layers. Cover the Bigscone with the fillets of the sponge cake and put the stencil in the freezer for about 3 hours.

Take the Bigscone out of the stencil, turning it upside down. Garnish the top with the remaining 150g of Chantilly cream. Put sourcherry DolceFrutta on the top of the Bigscone, letting the syrup sink from top to bottom. Put the Bigscone on a wire rack, garnish with candy sugar and put it back in the freezer.

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zuccottino Amarancio