Toutes les recettes

Livre de recettes

Maitre Davide Malizia



Strawberry Sorbet  

  • Purèe DìFrutta Strawberry Cesarin g. 300
  • Inulin g. 20
  • Granulated sugar g. 130
  • Dextrose g. 40
  • Paste DìFrutta Strawberry Cesarin g. 70
  • Water g. 435


White Ice Cream Lolly Glaze  

  • Yuzu chocolate g. 500
  • Rice oil g. 50
  • Titanium dioxide g. 3
Indicatif régional

Strawberry Sorbet 
In a double-bottom saucepan, bring to 70° C the water with the granulate sugar, dextrose and inulin, stirring constantly with a whisk. Remove from the heat and emulsify well with a mixer for a couple of minutes. Leave to cool and when the mixture will reach 25- 30 º C add the Purèe DìFrutta Strawberry and Strawberry Paste DìFrutta and mix again. Freeze down in a batch freezer and extract in cold trays at -9° C . Put the sorbet in a blast chiller straigh away, and then once is set, store at -12° C. Put a first layer of sorbet in a silicon ice cream lolly mould, add the Strawberry Ripple with pieces in the centre and freeze. Insert the wooden stick and finish with more strawberry sorbet.

White Ice Cream Lolly Glaze 

Microwave the yuzu chocolate to 45°C; heating the rice oil to 40°C mixed with the Titanium dioxide emulsifying until is well dissolved. Pour the oil on the melted white chocolate and mix again. Glaze the sticks and before they crystallize sprinkle with the Strawberry Granules HG Cesarin.

Suite Recettes

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Mr.Alberto Light
