Garnitures spéciales is an innovative range of fillings with an elevated cooking resistance optimised by Cesarin’s Research and Development Centre. Farciforno is the ideal ingredient to resolve the problems linked to the transfer of humidity from the filling to the container (whether it is Butter-finger or Danish pastry with differing percentages of fat content).
To achieve the objective Cesarin has preferred to make use of the natural fibre, naturally present in the fruit, without exasperating the sugar concentration (Brix grade). The result is a soft filling that maintains an optimum organoleptic aspect; thanks to a relatively limited water activity, it contributes to maintain in the time the crumbliness and crispiness of the finished product. Farciforno FruitLine will not expand during cooking, it is exempt from the formation of little internal bubbles, will not jellify at high temperatures and does not have the tendency to vanish.
Croissant, produits de boulangerie